Choosing Gratitude

by | Nov 17, 2016 | Gratitude | 0 comments

When was the last time you were grateful for something or someone? Gratefulness is when you feel or show your appreciation of kindness extended to you. Gratefulness is a channel for your thankfulness.

Gratefulness is a choice. Gratefulness is an intention to see the good in your life along with those challenges and determine to be thankful in the midst of it all. A classic gospel song by Walter Hawkins reminds me of the sacred soul space gratefulness can occupy if we welcome it: “God has not promised me sunshine, that’s not the way it’s going to be. But a little rain mixed with God’s sunshine a little pain, makes me appreciate the good times.”

This month of November I want you to make gratitude your attitude. Step in this challenge by keeping a journal of gratitude over the next few weeks. Each day take time to consider and then write all the blessings and people you are grateful for in your life. Write down the hardships and the storms that you want to have a heart of gratefulness for because these challenges continue to bring you closer to God.

Each week, share with people in your what you are grateful for and why. Lean into the goodness of your life and see the where God is at work. The Remarkable LIfe is best lived when you are grateful.

Loving you Remarkably,


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