Soul Surfing: Part II

by | Aug 12, 2017 | Personal Growth | 0 comments

For most of my life, I searched for a purpose that was deeper than a paycheck. I wanted it to matter that I lived. While I was aware that there was a plan and a purpose, what I needed to learn, understand and master was how to live through the choppy waves-of-life with grace and ease.

Through the years, I experienced personal pain and tragedy that includes the loss of close family members. As a ministry leader, I felt the pain of rejection and betrayal that has at times caused me to momentarily lose my balance. And building and restructuring a business while intentionally pouring into the lives of others has been a daunting task.

Taking the time to soul surf and embrace my purpose gives perspective to this remarkable life that I seek to live, which includes obstacles and setbacks sometimes. I’m leaning into the truths that resilience refines purpose, eternal perspective unlocks intentional living, and self-awareness and transformational leadership are needed choices for a healthy mind and body.

Challenges are temporary if you know the secret to rising above them. One of those secrets is living a remarkable life that is worth living fully and worth remembering. Choose to live by design and not default. Decide the size of the mark you want to leave as you live a full life that matters.

Maybe you’re trying to make sense of your life and how faith can anchor you through the choppy seas of challenge?  One of my life verses is Jeremiah 29:11. It reminds me that we were created with a purpose and the choppy waves that come with the challenging SEAsons of life can also give us an opportunity to stand, ride the waves, and represent the God who created us on purpose.

I believe the real key to unlocking true happiness and contentment is finding your calling in life ­­– finding your purpose. Our time on earth is limited, maybe a good 70 or 80 years here, if God’s plan for our lives includes that time. Don’t you want to finish your life with a sense of completeness having discovered your purpose and lived it out?

We hear so many things about purpose, but what does it really mean? And how can it impact our lives when we experience the rough waves? Your purpose is “the why” behind the ultimate dream of all your dreams and the point where you can live with an abundant significance that brings joy and fulfillment.

Purpose is where your being outweighs your having and seeing who you really are. Discovering purpose allows you to shift gears and accomplish what you were designed to do in life. Purpose anchors you in the midst of a full day and causes you to realize that you are in this moment to accomplish a specific plan.

As you cling to your soul surfing board, be willing to paddle and uncover God’s purpose for you in the midst of the midst of rough SEA-sons. Don’t be afraid to REST in the beauty of knowing you have a remarkable contribution to make. So just do it!Finding your purpose isn’t easy for everyone. But, keep in mind that life leaves clues, which will lead you to the unique purpose God’s created you for.

As you begin to soul surf and see God as your unsinkable surfboard holding you up with His sovereign protection you will find your purpose in a place of REST. Consider these four steps below that are designed to strategically to help you live on purpose:

  • Resilience will Refine Your Purpose.  Maintain a focused sense of purpose to achieve long-term goals and priorities. Zechariah 10:11 reminds us how God defends His own in moments of distress. Lean into His protection as you stand strong.
  • Eternal Perspective is the Key to Living Intentionally. Build your life around your purpose in light of eternity. Jesus lives on purpose in everything that He does! So, don’t just tell people your job title; connect more deeply by creating the experience and telling them why you do what you do.
  • Self-awareness is a Choice. Decide not only what you were uniquely created to do but identify your reason for it. Since I know my purpose, I find it easier to make decisions. I pursue friendships, hobbies, and employment opportunities that boost my capabilities.
  • Engage in Transformational Leadership. I believe that I was put on Earth to lead with a specific reason in mind. I know that reason and do my best each day to live at the highest level as a leader and influencer.

Soul surfing like traditional surfing shapes your patience, perspective, and personal character. By learning to surf from a RESTful place rooted in your purpose, you can stand up against any wave in life and ride it effectively.

Get ready, I see big waves coming your way and mine, but they don’t have to take us out! Commit to stand in resilience, embrace an eternal perspective, choose self-awareness and engage in transformational leadership as a lifestyle regularly.

Schedule a 30-minute tea time this week and begin thinking about your God-given purpose. You’ll be stronger and better prepared to face those waves with grace and ease like the Remarkable Woman you are! Because of Him, you got this.

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