Grab a Cup of Tea & Read the
5 Ways to Get Rid of Stress: You Can Live a Remarkable Life Every Day!
Look around the world. We are inundated with images and sounds of brokenness. If you are a heart-centered leading lady, it can be exhausting emotionally. Truly this is not the world that God had in mind. However, in the midst of it, on this side of heaven, I’m...
How to Make Life Better with Forever Faithful Friends
Breathe. Sip. It's time for a heart-to-heart conversation about dreaded “F” word. Yep...friendship! According to Greek philosopher Aristotle, “Friendship is as important as life itself.” Do you view your friendships this way? Why or why not? In the book of Genesis,...
This is YOUR life. Make it REMARKABLE!
Life is meant to be lived fully alive and spiritually healthy. It must have meaning, which often derives from you becoming the woman God intended you to be! Imagine living life in the fullness of joy unspeakable overflowing from the soul, with a clear, strong mind and...
About the Founder
Cynthia White, CEO and founder of the Remarkable Living Institute, is a pastor’s wife, mom, speaker, adjunct community college instructor, mentor and mental health advocate. She is passionate about God, His Word and His people.