Bold Change takes Bold Confidence

by | Jun 9, 2017 | Personal Growth | 0 comments

It takes a bold step of faith to stop what you are doing and go in a different direction. For quite some time, I’ve scaled back, begun to rest more and made some significant changes in my business to bring alignment to my personal life.

During this season, I chose to decrease my travel and speaking engagements, I released clients and created more products. Last week, I ended another chapter of my business life and I moved out of my office. I decided to see most of my one-on-one clients at my home office and began increasing my visibility online.

In many ways, I feel like I’m starting over. But, I believe it’s necessary to satisfy this yearning in my heart to create the business of my dreams on my own terms. Trust me, from someone who is a recovering approval addict, this is scary stuff! In the eyes of many, it can look like time wasted. Yet, I’m excited to muster up the courage, walk by faith, and boldly make it happen.

What about you? Can you think of a moment in life when you were scared to do something but you gathered up your courage and did it anyway?

Maybe it was walking away from a bad situation? Perhaps it was working through a storm in your life that seemed impossible and downright overwhelming at first glance. Or, maybe, it was overcoming a fear of yours, facing it, and coming through remarkably well. Maybe it was overcoming a big physical challenge like running your first 5K race or the spiritual challenge of sharing your faith story with the possibility of rejection.

Think about how you felt after you did whatever that courageous thing or act was. It felt pretty remarkable, didn’t it? You felt confident. You felt invincible.

Well, what happens when you don’t believe in yourself? Or when you don’t believe that anything good can come out of your life? This mindset will cause you to lose hope, shrink back, and not live your best remarkable life.

Confidence is an important quality for Remarkable Women. We must believe that in spite of the mistakes and setbacks we experience, our lives can be made over. Sometimes you have to come to the end of yourself in order to find yourself. Confidence plays an important role in our everyday lives when it comes to living courageously. Being confident allows us to overcome setbacks, set new goals, and effectively reach them. Confidence provides stability when we are faced with a challenge; it gives us that push that helps us overcome difficulties.

In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence,
And his children will have refuge. – Proverbs 14:26

Believing in oneself, one’s abilities or one’s judgment, without doubt, is a part of the process. But, on a soul level, I have learned how fleeting and shallow my life is when my confidence originates solely from myself. Giving God, the Master Creator, His honor, and respect is about trusting and finding my security in the Self-existing God. He is trustworthy because He never changes. His promises never fail. He is always faithful even when we are faithless.

He created us to depend on Him. We were created to worship. Either we will worship ourselves, others, or a divine being. By choosing to connect with Him, we can deepen our trust and embody a confidence that illustrates to us a correct estimate of who God is and how He makes us strong. He empowers us to do great things even if it looks strange to others.

When you believe in His power, you can change things – or make a difference in a situation –  and are much more likely to successfully live your best remarkable life.

Activating your faith gives you the confidence to believe in yourself, put a bounce in your step, and color outside of the lines! Your presence becomes magnetic and people see that not only do you just dare to dream, you ACTUALLY DO IT! This inspires and influences others to believe that they too can connect with God and understand their God-given purpose.

Best of all, this confidence prepares you to tackle everyday challenges and gives you the courage to recover from setbacks. This all leads to a greater degree of optimism, purpose, and fulfillment in life.

So, look at your present situation: Is it time for you to stand up and face your need to shift so you can move in a different direction? What difference will it make for you to know that God-confidence gives you the confidence to Be Remarkable as you live and lead well? Share a bold step towards change that you need to take in a comment below.

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