Grow Your Confidence. Go for the Goal!

by | Jun 24, 2017 | Goals | 0 comments

Former Senator Dwight W. Morrow searched in vain to find his railroad ticket while on a train leaving New York City. “I must find that ticket,” he muttered. The conductor, who stood waiting beside him, said, “Don’t worry about it, Mr. Morrow. We know you had a ticket. Just mail it to the railroad when you find it.”

“That’s not what’s troubling me,” replied Morrow. “I need to find it to know where I’m going.”

Sometimes in life, it’s difficult to have the confidence that you can start your life over or bounce back from an obstacle when you are not certain where you are going. You find yourself unsure of when you have reached the destination. We were designed to enjoy the journey even if it sometimes takes us down a path different from the expected. The Remarkable Life is not a perfect life. It is one that takes you beyond your breaking point in order for you to see that good stuff that has been put in you that comes out during hardships in the journey.

One of the best ways for you as The Remarkable Woman to stay on the track, REST, and enjoy the journey is to have goals. Goals help you to see the destination. They help you get more done.  They can help you activate “remarkableness” in life, work, ministry, or business more quickly. Not only that, they also force you to think about what you want and break it down into actionable items and steps.

Goals do not have to be elaborate or even formal. They just need to be specific, realistic, and they need to have set time frames that help us see we have reached our destination. Without goals, there won’t be any way to track your success.

With goals – as a ticket to success – in place, you’ll be making impressive progress before you know it. God uses this to increase your confidence, as The Remarkable Woman, giving you the courage to tackle your next set of goals. This kind of focus, as a result of diligence, makes you more profitable according to Proverbs 21:5.

Let’s break this down some more. Perhaps you want to make a financial makeover or comeback. It’s not enough to say that you want to have more money in the bank. You must turn this idea into a reality by setting a specific goal. It helps to write goals down and keep them in front of you. Stoke the flames of your desire by deciding on the motivation and objective behind the goal.

  • Do you want a couple of hundred dollars in the bank after paying off all your outstanding consumer debt?
  • Are trying to save up $5,000 for a down payment on a car?
  • Do you want to have six months’ worth of living expenses in savings as a financial safety net so that you can comfortably grow your business?

Regardless of the area you have in mind as you are bouncing back and taking back your life, don’t be vague or throw out an arbitrary number when it comes to your goals. Make sure the goals add value or meaning to your life so that you experience your best life by design and not default. Equally important is having actionable steps that will get you closer to your goal.

This way, you are more willing to take those steps in the right direction, count the cost, or make the necessary sacrifice even if it means eating beans and rice three times a week to save and in order to put more money in the bank. In the words of Nike, “Just Do It!”

Even if you don’t succeed, nothing beats effort and constant motion in the right direction. Be sure to make sure each step that gets you closer to your goal has real meaning, adds value, and empowers you to show up more confidently as The Remarkable Woman.

It’s Your Turn

Got your ticket? What area in your life do you need to set clear goals so that as you overcome your setbacks you can watch your confidence grow? Take your life back, set those goals, and keep your life on track. Are you ready to make your comeback, worthy of the remark! Share your comments below.

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