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God Created YOU To Restfully Live a Life Destined to Be Extraordinary, Fulfilling And Impactful According to John 10:10!

It is truly Remarkable. Brimming over with resilience! It’s full life, of grace and ease, freely lived with purpose from a place of rest!

But, your unfulfilling career, ministry, or current challenging season of life may be causing you to question if this kind of life exists for you. Hustling and grinding to make your contribution to the world you find yourself exhausted settling for the status quo with a purpose that seems blurred and out of focus.

Or maybe you have tried and worked the prescribed formula but the setbacks, missed opportunities and failures continue to keep you in a state of overwhelm. You’re quickly spinning out of control and you seem to be going nowhere fast. Before you know it you are headed for a burnout! I have good news, God can restore your life back to His original design!

And Remarkable Life By Design Academy is the place to make this happen!

God Created YOU To Restfully Live a Life Destined to Be Extraordinary, Fulfilling And Impactful According to John 10:10!

It is truly Remarkable. Brimming over with resilience! It’s full life, of grace and ease, freely lived with purpose from a place of rest!

But, your unfulfilling career, ministry, or current challenging season of life may be causing you to question if this kind of life exists for you. Hustling and grinding to make your contribution to the world you find yourself exhausted settling for the status quo with a purpose that seems blurred and out of focus.

Or maybe you have tried and worked the prescribed formula but the setbacks, missed opportunities and failures continue to keep you in a state of overwhelm. You’re quickly spinning out of control and you seem to be going nowhere fast. Before you know it you are headed for a burnout! I have good news, God can restore your life back to His original design!

And Remarkable Life By Design Academy is the place to make this happen!

It is truly Remarkable. Brimming over with passion! A full life, of grace and ease, freely lived with purpose!

But, your unfulfilling career, ministry, or current challenging season of life may be causing you to question if this kind of life exists for you. Hustling and grinding to make your contribution to the world you find yourself exhausted settling for the status quo with a purpose that seems blurred and out of focus.

Or maybe you have tried and worked the prescribed formula but the setbacks, missed opportunities and failures continue to keep you in a state of overwhelm.  You’re quickly spinning out of control and you seem to be going nowhere fast. Before you know it you are headed for a burnout!

Surely, There Has to Be More to Life Than This!

It’s time to stop hiding, shrinking back, and allowing your past to define you! Bounce back from every situation! Restore your life of burnout to one of balanced brilliance.

Boldly, design a better life.

It’s time to dream, discover and define your best remarkable life, on your terms, aligned with God’s plan. Take back your power and leverage your setbacks as set-ups to design the best remarkable life of your dreams, with grace and ease.

Get on with living the life you were designed to live, despite your obstacles.

Begin to slow down, live and lead from a place of rest. Magnetically attract a life of resilience worth the remark.  

Stop the overwhelm and burnout! Take back your life today!

Remarkable Living Institute® has created Remarkable Life By Design just for YOU! Find rest, resilience and restoration in a safe, connected, informative and transformative faith-based community that helps you to wholeheartedly increase your productivity. With calm and clarity, you can confidently enjoy the life of influence and impact you are building.

In this community, you will have an opportunity to pause and gain strategies for designing a life that matters in the diverse areas of your life. In the company of other like-minded Christian women, in leadership, and with my support, because of my passion and commitment to inspiring women to overcome challenges, protect their mental health, avoid burnout and fully live their life by design and not by default, with grace and ease you will experience lasting transformation.

This is not about fancy formulas and shiny promises! It about doing the work of keeping the vision in front of you, with some “good old-fashion heart-and-soul-mentoring” and begin to turn the messy parts of your life into a masterpiece and life message that makes a difference. Learn the power of living restfully and fully while fulfilling your God-given purpose and leaving a lasting legacy as The Remarkable Woman. Despite the imperfections and life-altering challenges begin to leverage them and increase your influence, impact, and income potential for God’s glory.

Surely, There Has to Be More to Life Than This!

It’s time to stop hiding, shrinking back, and allowing your past to define you!

Boldly, design a better life.

It’s time to dream, discover and define your best remarkable life, on your terms, aligned with God’s plan. Take back your power and leverage your setbacks as set-ups to design the best remarkable life of your dreams, with grace and ease.

Get on with living the life you were designed to live.

Begin to slow down, live and lead from a place of rest. Magnetically attract a life worth the remark.  

Stop the overwhelm and burnout! Take back your life today!

Remarkable Living Institute has created Remarkable Life By Design just for YOU! Find rest and restoration in a safe, connected, informative and transformative community that helps you to wholeheartedly live and lead your best life. With calm and clarity, you can confidently enjoy the life of impact you are building.

In this community, you will have an opportunity to pause and gain strategies for designing a life that matters in the company of other like-minded women and with the support of Cynthia White, who is committed to inspiring women to overcome challenges, avoid burnout and fully live their life by design and not by default, with grace and ease.


This is not about fancy formulas and shiny promises! It about doing the work of keeping the vision of R.E.S.T (Release Every Situation Totally) in front of you, with some “good old-fashion mentoring” and begin to turn the messy parts of your life into a masterpiece and life message that makes a difference. Learn the power of living restfully and fully while fulfilling your God-given purpose and leaving a lasting legacy as The Remarkable Woman. Despite the imperfections and life-altering challenges begin to leverage them and increase your influence, impact, and income potential for God’s glory.

Design your

Remarkable Life

Live and lead well – every day!

The number 12 in the Bible is considered a perfect number that symbolizes God’s power and authority. It also conveys the ideal governmental foundation. It also signifies completeness and anointing for service.

As Remarkable Women, we live full lives. In The Academy, monthly, we focus on one of the 12 areas of our lives. With the Bible being our foundation, we seek God’s power and authority based on His Word through our quarterly Bible studies. With principles of rest governing our lives, we gain clarity in healing and restoring the broken places in our lives. And with actionable strategies to empower us, we resiliently live out the anointing placed on our lives with grace and ease. Indeed this is a Remarkable Life!

Bi-Monthly Downloads

Receive worksheets, checklists, action plans, meditations, and more — all available for you to download!

Private FAcebook Group

Your very own interactive group designed to provide support, guidance, connection, encouragement and inspire you in the morning and afternoon to answer questions and hold you accountable for your branded life vision and purpose.

Facebook Live Training

Monthly training sessions to help you learn how to lead and live well from a place of rest, resilience and restoration.

Monthly Clarity Calls

The First Tuesday  of the Month at 7:30 pm. Join the monthly call to get clear on your goal for the month and gain answers to your burning questions about life and leadership.

Celebration Calls

The third Thursday of the Month at 7:30. Join the virtual celebration, over tea. This is a time to celebrate your big and small wins of the month.

Special Discounts

Get special membership pricing on online courses, selected products, live workshops, Tea Time and Conversations, and Conferences… and other “just because” special perks!”

Quarterly Planning Sessions

Together, we will work on our goals and plans for the quarter, either in-person or virtually. There’s nothing like a group of women who support, encourage and pray for each others success in living their best remarkable life!

Secure Member Portal

Work at your own pace! Using your unique password you will have 24/7 access to curated content, developed in a secure member portal.


ALL of this for ONLY $35 Month!

Or Pay in FULL and Receive a Discounted Rate of $397!

If you are ready to awaken that life inside of you, push past your challenges, begin fulfilling your God-given potential and live and lead on purpose as The Remarkable Woman, don’t waste any more time.

It’s time to activate your life, from the inside-out!

Join the community today!

*Discounts available for individual coaching, conferences, and other selected services and products.

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