Reclaim Your Life: Design a New Ending

by | Oct 6, 2017 | Living | 1 comment

Though no one can go back and make a new beginning…..anyone can start over and make a new ending.”

Sometimes the life we dreamed of is very different from the one we are living. The signs are more obvious than we realize. Many of us are simply going through the motions: drained, empty, confused or we’ve lost our way.

It’s essential that we remember we were created by God to live life fully and intentionally. If you’ve lost your way, you don’t have to stay in this broken place. You can move forward, start a new chapter and take back your life to create a new ending!  But, it will mean something has to change. You must be willing to end that which needs to come to an end.

However, an ending doesn’t necessarily mean you’re giving up – it just means that you have the courage to get some years back as you start over – with a new and better-suited direction. For example, it doesn’t mean that you’re giving up on your career because you quit your job in search of employment that makes your heart sing and is more suitable to how God gifted you. You’re making a choice to enhance your career and live intentionally. You’re choosing to no longer settle for anything less than God’s best for you.

Life is too short and beautiful! Decide today to reclaim your life. Reclaiming any part of your life might mean that you will have to give up something, start over and move in a new direction more aligned with The Remarkable Woman you are becoming. New beginnings require courage and a commitment to intentionally live your BEST remarkable life. Afterall, if something isn’t serving you well and makes it difficult for you to create a presence that reflects the best version of you, it’s time to let it go!

Make a cup of your favorite fall tea and take a moment to consider these seven steps to seek healthy endings and make way for positive beginnings:

 1. Change Your Mindset – We are called to have the mind of Christ. Get rid of “Stinking Thinking!”Change your mind about whatever isn’t working in your life and concentrate on the steps that will lead you toward the changes you want and need to make. Think of the changes as positive forces. If you want to change your dietary habits, view your old eating patterns as unhealthy – poison to the system and taking years off your lifespan. Living life fully, after all, is about living, not dying prematurely! 

2. If You Can’t Control It – Let It Go. When you mentally and physically distance yourself from those things you can’t control, an amazing transformation occurs. You begin to think more about positive aspects of your life and change what you can control. 

3. Focus Your Energy and Time on the Positive. When negative thoughts and events attempt to lock you in a deep, dark place don’t waste your valuable time fretting about them. Trying to move around in the dark only means you’ll bump into things. Focus instead on the brightness of the new positive changes you’re bringing into your life.

4. Step Back for Awhile. Sometimes, you just need to rest and take a fresh look at what’s happening in your life. Rest will give you the strength you need to make the right choices for the path you’ve chosen. You’ll be able to begin again with a new attitude.

5. Accept the Realities of Your Life. Not everything is always going to go your way. You can either learn from the challenges and keep plugging on or let them drag you down to a place where you may not ever recover.

6. Develop an Appreciation for Your Struggles. With every obstacle you overcome, consider it an opportunity for growth and learning. These challenges will define the person you’ll become and make you more capable of facing adversities in the future.

7. Be a Risk Taker. One way to be sure you’re always ready for positive new beginnings is to regularly take chances. The opportunities may not always materialize or have an outcome that you desire, but the opposite of trying is experiencing regret that you actually never did.

Are you ready to activate your life now and make remarkable things happen with grace and ease? If you are, make sure you grab a spot at this year’s Remarkable Woman Conference November 3 – 4, 2017! Join us and get ready to Reclaim Your Life!

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