Three Benefits of Planned Self-Care

by | Oct 14, 2017 | Living | 1 comment

Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.

Have you ever considered what it would be like for you to live intentionally by creating and planning out a self-care schedule? I believe four words convey what would happen: It would be amazing! I realize we take time to plan for grocery shopping, getting maintenance work done on our vehicles, and even binge-watching favorite shows on Netflix!

What if we applied that same level of intention to planned self-care?

What if we deliberately put 3 John 2 into graceful action by creating a regular environment for good health and a soul that is well?

What if we made space to take care of our minds, bodies, and emotions?

What would your life look like? What could you accomplish from a stronger foundation of rest, wholeness, and vitality?

Make a cup of tea and take a look at these three benefits of planned self-care. Consider if you’re experiencing this type of intention in your life right now:

Benefit: You’re making a declaration that you love yourself. You show it by taking care of yourself and choosing to pursue a healthy lifestyle. Self-care includes many aspects of living – nutrition, relationships, spiritual growth, emotional wellness, and life-giving behavior. When you make regular self-care a part of your life weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, you are “choosing you” and creating an environment where those around you can also experience you at your best.

Benefit: You’re investing in the “health bank” of your life. Taking care of yourself is a good thing and a needed thing. We only get one body to live out the purposes and express the talents God’s placed inside each of us. He wants us to use these bodies well.

Benefit: You get to decide what are the essential areas of physical, emotional, spiritual, and soul care you need most and when. Preparing in advance to engage in self-care practices means you can focus on parts of you that need more care in different seasons. To remedy a stressful work environment, you could decide that a monthly spa appointment brings the balance and detox your mind and body need.

You may realize your enjoyment of God’s Word has declined so you choose to engage in a new Bible study in community with others to help you grow spiritually. Maybe you’ve hit a wall emotionally and you know there are unresolved issues and wounds from your past that you’re ready to face. You choose to pursue counseling weekly for a season with a qualified counselor to help you do the work and move towards healing. Whatever your essential area is this season, the gift is choosing how to best pursue the self-care you need the most.

We’ve entered a new season where leaves are changing with the cooler winds of fall. It’s a perfect opportunity to examine your Remarkable Life and determine what area do you need to create some planned self-care in?

You can decide to make a plan that’s weekly, bi-weekly or monthly over the next three months. Frequency is good but also making your plan and keeping with it is even better! Comment below and share what your plan is. Let’s continue encouraging one another to live intentionally, with grace and ease!

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