How Self-Care Defeats Negative Thinking

by | Feb 22, 2018 | Self Care | 0 comments

In this beautiful month that celebrates love, I want to encourage and remind you to think about the love God intentionally has for you. He is always blowing you kisses from heaven because you and I are constantly on His mind. He really does love us. And He wants us to draw closer to Him. As we’re learning to care more regularly for ourselves during this month of self-care, there’s also a spirit of understanding that our Heavenly Father deeply cares for us too.

But there are some things that we allow to creep into our spirits, to take hold of us and they will keep us from seeing ourselves as worthy – worthy of being cared for and giving importance to nurturing ourselves.

Grab a cup of tea and let’s have a conversation about the how self-care can transform our thinking.  The story of Zacchaeus in Luke 19 really resonates with my heart.  Zacchaeus is often remembered in the melodies of children’s Bible songs, “Zacchaeus was a wee little man and wee little man Zacchaeus was he.” I sang that song often to my children when they were younger! As I studied this text recently, I thought about this little man and how he had great faith, desire, and determination.

He had the strength, boldness, and faith to climb a tree just so he could see Jesus. And Jesus saw him and the Lord called him to come down from the tree! Zacchaeus could have said, “No Lord, I’m too small. You don’t want to talk to little ol’ me.” But he didn’t say that. He didn’t look at his limitations and let them be reasons for him to stay in that tree.

Jesus called Zacchaeus down because he wanted to stay at this faith-filled man’s house. He wanted to have time with a person who saw the value of recognizing Jesus’ role as Lord and desiring to get as close to Him as he knew how. Zacchaeus, being small and probably pushed around most his life because of his stature, knew he wouldn’t get close to Jesus the way most normal sized people could.

Zacchaeus used what he had – his intelligence and his ingenuity – and made an impression on the heart of Jesus! It was an honor for Jesus to want to stay at Zacchaeus’ home. And Scripture says that Zacchaeus came down from that tree after Jesus called to him quickly and joyfully! He was being pursued by the Savior of the World. That is powerful. Zacchaeus felt valuable and he knew that Jesus valued him too.

I know what it feels like to not be confident in owning the space you are dwelling in. I know what it’s like to want to “stay in the tree” and not come down with the boldness of Zacchaeus. I’ve felt the pressure and anxiety. I’ve heard the little small negative voice tell me I’m not good enough, I’m not worth it. But I also know how to move beyond the lies and I want to help women just like you to do the same!

Tell that little small negative voice that creeps up inside of you that wants to keep you small to get behind you! That little small negative voice whispers in your ear, seeking to shut you down. You are a Remarkable Woman! Refuse to allow that little small voice to find roots to anchor itself into your heart because you don’t know your value and can’t see who you really are.

You know what you must do to that inner critic? You have to learn how to take those lies captive and make them yield to the name of Jesus. The Bible tells us to do this and we need to also remember we are fearfully and wonderfully made and marvelous are God’s works. Because we are those works, we are beautifully marvelous simply because God made us! Caring well for ourselves helps defeat that negative thinking.

God has done a wonderful job in us and He loves us completely. And we should slow our lives down and make time to love ourselves completely too. Part of loving ourselves is being able to nurture ourselves. Sometimes we lose sight that the enemy of our souls is behind those little small negative voices. But we need to remember that enemy is also a defeated foe.

Don’t listen to the negative thinking from that inner critic.

Listen to the truth of what God says about you.

When you hear that little small negative voice, I want you to stop, pay attention, and listen carefully. Make out what is being said. Listen to it, analyze it, and see, “Is this true?” If God were sitting and having a conversation with you right now, would He say those things are true? Would He speak to you in that tone?

If He wouldn’t then you know those thoughts are to be defeated and removed from your mind and heart. Nurture yourself. Be your own best friend. Self-care is powerful. We’ve got to get rid of stinking thinking so we are able to take the time we deserve and care for ourselves so we can care even better for others. Make sure you grab your copy of my Rest and Build Your Best Remarkable Year Planner so you can schedule your regular self-care and design a life that is more than remarkable in 2018!

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