Grab a Cup of Tea & Read the
5 Ways to Take Charge of Your Life After a Personal Setback
Grab a cup of tea, take a break, and let’s talk. Breathe deeply between the sips. Relax. Most of us have had our share of a momentary lapse of judgment where we made decisions that led to personal or professional setbacks. Failures, disappointments, and heartaches are...
Make Your Mess God’s Masterpiece: Six Ways to Keep Moving Forward
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 Negative regret can suffocate and injure your life, sometimes seemly beyond repair. A regret is a powerful tool in the hands...
Five Ways to Live an Intentional Life
Even as a child I thought deeply about life. Who am I? Why am I here? How did I end up with the family that I have? What kind of job will I have? Who will I marry? Essentially, I was in pursuit of a life that was intentional instead of one that just randomly happened...
Branded Style Makeover 101: Five Tips to Accessorizing in the Winter Months
As Remarkable Women, we must show the world that true beauty is what comes from inside of our souls and radiates out. Real beauty is not just about how you look on the surface, but rather the complete package of how you present yourself to others and how you make them...
Five Reasons to Create Goals for Your Life
“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Eliot You know the routine: You begin each year with lofty promises, desires, and decisions called resolutions. You enthusiastically decide to accomplish a particular task, hoping to become a better...
How to Become a #GoalDigger
A good friend of mine, Melody Latrice, enjoys running as one of her hobbies. Yes, ladies, she runs on purpose! She often uses the social media hashtag #GoalDigger when she posts photos after her runs. She is a remarkable woman with a goal to intentionally live her...
The Power of the Scent of Kindness
Smell is a wonderful gift. According to the site Everyday Health, people can detect at least one trillion distinct scents, women have a better sense of smell than men, and you can even smell fear and disgust from others. Who knew the sense of...
He Will Always Be The Reason
The holidays are in full swing ladies! Thanksgiving said her hello and goodbye two weeks ago, making room for her sister Christmas to take center stage. How early did the Christmas lights and decorations go up in your neighborhood? When did you notice the first...
Choosing Gratitude
When was the last time you were grateful for something or someone? Gratefulness is when you feel or show your appreciation of kindness extended to you. Gratefulness is a channel for your thankfulness. Gratefulness is a choice. Gratefulness is an intention to see the...
Why We Need Remarkable Friends to Defend During The Hard Times and Transitions in Life
A wise friend once told me, “Change is the new normal.” Take a moment and consider your friendships. How many friends are in your life now who were with you two years ago? Five years ago? More than 10 years ago? Those years tell us things. About ourselves, our...
About the Founder
Cynthia White, CEO and founder of the Remarkable Living Institute, is a pastor’s wife, mom, speaker, adjunct community college instructor, mentor and mental health advocate. She is passionate about God, His Word and His people.